74-Year-Old Female Teacher Faces 600 Years Behind Bars for Sex Assault on Teen Boy

She was 67 at the time and the boy was 14.


Anne N. Nelson-Koch was convicted on all 25 charges against her stemming from her repeated sexual assaults of the boy in the basement of an un-named private school in Tomah during the 2016-17 school year, Monroe County District Attorney Kevin Croninger said in a statement.

“The victim of these crimes is an incredibly brave young man,” Assistant District Attorney Sarah M. Skiles, the prosecutor of the case, said in a statement. “He spoke the truth, and the jury heard him loud and clear. We are so grateful to the jury for their dedication to finding the truth.”

The judge ordered Nelson-Koch released with GPS monitoring pending sentencing scheduled for Oct. 27. She faces more than 600 years in prison, Croninger said.



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