Steve Bannon Trashes House Speaker Johnson Over Defense Spending Bill: ‘Don’t tell me you’re a Christian!’

“And don’t sit there and tell me we only control one third or one half that’s all crap.”

“If you had the stones and the balls, you could shut this thing down right now. The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) just passed. It just passed. This is Mike Johnson, and don’t tell me you’re a Christian.

“I don’t want to hear you’re Christian. Don’t wear your faith. Don’t give me the bible. I don’t want to hear more Bible verses when you’ve allowed the transgender, you’ve allowed all that garbage, all that demonic trash throughout the defense budget that you wonder why you can’t get (gibberish) red blooded boys and girls to get into the military. With what you’ve done with this neo-marxism and this cultural rot, that now you have taxpayers paying for it almost a trillion dollars.” 

“So don’t give me the biblical worldview. I saw it in the NDAA. Your biblical worldview is manifested there. So don’t do another prayer group. I don’t need that.

“What I need is Christians at the ramparts prepared to stand in the breach and what we call the gap.” 

– Steve Bannon, on the House’s Pentagon funding bill.

No scripture and/or proselytizing

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it