Jeffrey Epstein: documents linking associates to sex offender unsealed

Clinton and Trump are named in Jeffrey Epstein documents, no wrongdoing alleged

From USA Today: Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are mentioned in newly unsealed Jeffrey Epstein-related court documents, but they are not accused of any wrongdoing involving the disgraced sex trafficking financier in these particular records.

Clinton, who sometimes flew aboard Epstein’s private plane, is listed repeatedly in the documents because he was the topic of an argument over the credibility of a witness who said she saw the former president when he was a guest of Epstein.

Trump’s name appears in a document in which Epstein is quoted as saying he would invite the then-real estate mogul to a casino. In another document, an unnamed witness said she was never asked to engage in sexual relations with Trump.

From The Guardian: Numerous court documents identifying associates of notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein have been made public on Wednesday. Some of the high-profile names in the court documents include Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, the former US president Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson and David Copperfield.

These associates’ just-unsealed names were contained in court documents filed as part of Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell; the documents include excerpts of depositions and motions in this case. The British socialite was convicted in December 2021 of sex trafficking and similar charges for procuring teen girls for disgraced financier Epstein.

Prior to the unsealing, the names were listed in court papers as variants of J Doe. Many of the names are people who had been publicly identified as Epstein associates prior to this unsealing. Just because a name is listed does not mean wrongdoing is alleged. For instance, both Trump and Bill Clinton are listed but are not accused at present of sex trafficking of young girls.

Read full court documents HERE. . . .

The unsealed documents also list prominent individuals who have denied accusations against them, including Prince Andrew of Great Britain and prominent litigator Alan Dershowitz. Among others named: Billionaire hedge fund founder Glenn Dubin, high-powered CEO Les Wexner, and deceased modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel.  Other names include sex abuse victims, litigation witnesses, and Epstein associates and employees. Many of the names had only a tangential connection to the financier, who was accused of operating an international sex trafficking ring targeting underage girls. Some are now deceased. (USA Today)

Per CNN: Some victims’ names remain redacted due to the sensitive nature of the crimes, according to court filings. Epstein was indicted in 2019 on federal charges of operating a sex trafficking ring in which he allegedly sexually abused dozens of underage girls. Epstein died by suicide in jail while awaiting trial. Prosecutors in New York indicted Maxwell on sex trafficking charges involving multiple victims. She was convicted in 2021.