Tennessee First-Grader Disciplined by Teacher for Saying ‘Jesus Christ’ in Class

WQBC reported that Shonna Coleman said she received an unexpected call from her 7-year-old son’s teacher at the Hope Sullivan Elementary School earlier this month. The teacher reportedly told Coleman that her son said a bad word in class. 

“So we was like, ‘OK, so what did he say?’ And she said, ‘He said Jesus Christ,’” Coleman told WQBC.

Accompanying the phone call was a disciplinary notice from the school, dated January 4, saying the child said “Jesus Christ” when he “dropped his LEGOs as he was cleaning up from recess.” 


“Never in my life have I heard at a public school that you cannot say Jesus Christ, and she said it wasnt that he said the word, it was how he said it because he dropped his LEGOs,” Coleman said. 

Coleman also said she was not aware of any policy within the school district about not saying “Jesus Christ.”

When the school district’s documents were investigated, nothing was found indicating that “Jesus Christ” was considered profanity and not allowed to be said in school.

The school said students “would not be reprimanded for simply saying “Jesus Christ”, but may be disciplined if they said “Jesus Christ” disrespectfully.


No scripture and or proselytizing

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