NRA’s LaPierre Suffers From a Shrinking Brain, His Lawyer Claims

Too Ill to Commit to All-Day Testimony in his NRA Corruption Trial

Wayne LaPierre is expected to be called to the witness stand by the New York state attorney’s office as early as next week. But he may be too “fatigued” to withstand full days of testimony and may need to break up his time on the witness stand into multiple shorter days, his lawyer said.

His symptoms include “cognitive decline” due to “significant cerebral volume loss,” one doctor wrote this month, according to a letter included in the filing written by his doctor, Sam Pappas.

Nuff Said

LaPierre suffers from “significant headaches and joint pain” and has a “family history of dementia,” along with “overall cognitive changes and deterioration,” the doctor wrote. LaPierre “struggles with copious physical and mental conditions, such as cognitive dysfunction, enervation/fatigue, painful/blurry eyes (resulting from cognitive impairments and engender brain-eye dissonance), dyssomnia, myalgias, dysautonomia (postural orthostasis), mononeuritis multiplex, dermatitis, and headaches,” according to a second doctor, Rachel Markey, whose January 3 letter to Cotton was also included in the new filing.


LaPierre announced his retirement on January 6, just days before the start of a civil trial over allegations he treated himself to millions of dollars in private jet flights, yacht trips, African safaris and other extravagant perks at the powerful gun rights organization’s expense. He’ll remain the NRA’s boss for 2 more weeks.


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