TFG’s Campaign Faces Backlash From Arlington National Cemetery Photo-Op; Posts Video Exploiting Fallen Soldiers

This is a follow-up to a previous News Views article:

On Monday, two members of TFG’s campaign staff had a verbal and physical altercation Monday with an official at Arlington National Cemetery, where the former president participated in a wreath-laying ceremony. Earlier in the month, ‘Team Trump’ contacted military officials about visiting Arlington National Cemetery to mark the third anniversary of the Islamic State bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members during the evacuation from Afghanistan.

Federal law prohibits election-related activities at military cemeteries, and Arlington is the most prestigious and sacred of all. Pentagon officials were deeply concerned about the former president turning the visit into a campaign stop, but they also didn’t want to block him from coming, according to Defense Department officials and internal messages reviewed by The Washington Post.

Officials said they wanted to respect the wishes of grieving family members who wanted Trump there, but at the same time were wary of Trump’s record of politicizing the military. So they laid out ground rules they hoped would wall off politics from the final resting place of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their nation. Of course, ‘Team Trump’ ignored and not follow them.

An unnamed, woman staffer, (she fears retaliation from violent, MAGAt thugs) tried to enforce the law by telling ‘Team Trump’ that they could not photograph in the area they wanted to. A large, male MAGAt staffer push passed her and completely ignored her commands and insisted they could take photos; their actions left the employee shocked.

Shortly after the incident, Team Trump posted a video on TikTok that showed exactly what military officials tried to prevent. The use of the footage marked a flagrant violation of the law against partisan actions at military cemeteries, defense officials said.

The 21-second video shows Trump laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and several snippets of Trump joining Gold Star family members at gravesites of their loved ones in a part of the cemetery known as Section 60.

Of course the weirdo, Maybelline Vance, tried to weirdly explain away the incident:

“You guys in the media, you're acting like Donald Trump filmed a TV commercial at a gravesite,” Vance said. “He was there providing emotional support to a lot of brave Americans who lost loved ones they never should have lost. And there happened to be a camera there, and somebody gave him permission to have that camera there.”
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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!