U.S. Airstrikes on Taliban in Wake of Failed Peace Deal

The U.S. military has confirmed an airstrike against Taliban fighters on Wednesday in the southern province of Helmand in Afghanistan.

Taliban forces had conducted 43 attacks on Afghan troops on Tuesday. The U.S. airstrike was the first against the Taliban in 11 days.

Colonel Leggett, spokesman for U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said that the U.S. was committed to peace but would defend Afghan forces if necessary.

“Taliban leadership promised the (international) community they would reduce violence and not increase attacks. We call on the Taliban to stop needless attacks and uphold their commitments,” he said.

Since a troop withdrawl agreement was signed on Saturday, the Taliban decided on Monday to resume normal operations against Afghan forces, and attacks have taken place in nine different Afghan provinces.

The weekend agreement envisages a full withdrawal of all U.S. and coalition forces within 14 months, dependent on security guarantees by the Taliban, but faces a number of hurdles as the United States tries to shepherd the Taliban and Afghan government towards talks.

See Reuters for more details.

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