Televangelist: The Communion wafer I ate acted as a ‘shield’ against coronavirus!


“Dr.” Candice Smithyman ate a communion cracker before going to bed Saturday night, read what happened next!

“On Saturday, April 4 at 4:00 a.m. I was abruptly awoken by God after an encounter with a strong demonic force that came into my bedroom and tried to put a sickness upon me on my chest,” Smithyman wrote in Charisma News. “I cried out in my sleep three times as I rebuked this demon. I knew it had something to do with the coronavirus. The strange thing was that I went to bed with a communion cracker in my hand, which I never do, and I had been up praying for about three hours before I fell asleep and had this demonic encounter.”

“I took the cracker before the attack,” she said. “The next morning my husband told me I had been rebuking demons because he heard me cry out in the night against them while I was in my sleep. This dream was not because I was receiving the coronavirus; it was a warning dream, to tell the people that this virus is a demonic force and there is a way to deal with spiritually, as well as biologically. I believe this virus is a demonic stronghold from ancient Egypt still in existence today.”

  • Her husband can vouch for it all.
  • She says the body (the cracker) of Christ’s repentance is a shield against this enemy”.


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