Trust in Dr. Birx Plummets

Dr. Deborah Birx made the rounds on the Sunday morning news circuit, and it’s clear there is waning confidence in the Scarf Lady, and Speaker Pelosi was among those to voice concerns.

With almost 157,000 deaths and 4.7 million cases in the U.S., Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union” questioned Dr. Birx about classroom safety and what the Trump administration was doing to get the pandemic under control.

“I want to be clear, what we are seeing today is different from March and April. It is extraordinarily widespread. It’s into the rural as equal urban areas,” Birx said.

“If you have high case load and active community spread, just like we are asking people not to go to bars, not to have household parties, not to create large spreading events,” Birx said. “We are asking people to distance learn at this moment so we can get this epidemic under control.”

Responding to a question about former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s suggestion on CBS’s “Face The Nation” that coronavirus deaths in the United States might exceed 300,000, Birx replied, “anything is possible,” noting that social distancing practices would help diminish the chance of such an outcome.

Later on Sunday morning, Nancy Pelosi was asked about her confidence in Dr. Birx after her comments.

 Pelosi’s response was in the wake of a Politico report on Friday that shared Pelosi had fiercely criticized Birx in a Thursday evening meeting with White House officials. In the meeting, the Speaker reportedly told Whites House aides “Deborah Birx is the worst. Wow, what horrible hands you’re in.”

Source info was at Forbes.