Trump’s Love Letters to Putin Revealed

New documents revealed by the Senate Intelligence Committee show beautiful letters that Donald Trump wrote to Vladimir Putin in the days before he became president*.

While the letters do not reveal any “collusion” between Russia and the Trump campaign in 2016, they do reveal that Trump continued to flatter and praise the Russian president from 2007 to 2013, wondering openly if they could become “best friends” by meeting at the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow.

More beautiful letters stating it would be his “honor” to meet with Putin:

In the 2016 campaign, Trump vascillated tremendously on his relationship with Vlad, saying he “met him a long time ago,” and bragging that he “got along with him great,” and then suddenly, “I never met Putin. I don’t know who Putin is.”

Former Trump fixer attorney Michael Cohen, currently serving a sentence for lying to Congress and campaign finance violations, has said that Trump was trying to make a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the 2016 campaign, and lying about it.

See Huffington Post.