Robert Trump Funeral to be Held at White House

The funeral service for Trump’s younger brother Robert is to be held at the White House on Friday.

Trump family members are expected to attend the Friday funeral, as is first lady Melania Trump. The White House is anticipating “several dozen” guests for the service, which is expected to be held in the East Room, another White House source told CNN.

A White House official says the service will be paid for privately by Donald Trump.

Robert Trump, 71, died on Saturday following an undisclosed illness.

It is a rare event for the East Room to be used for funeral events, outside of a ceremony for a deceased president. There is precedent, however. 

  • 1890 President Benjamin Harrison used the East Room for a Navy Secretary’s wife and daughter killed in a fire
  • 1936 Franklin Delano Roosevelt hosted a funeral for a political adviser and close friend
  • 1865 Abraham Lincoln laid in state and 3 years earlier Lincoln’s son’s funeral was held there
  • 1963 John F. Kennedy laid in state
  • 1841 President William Harris
  • 1850 President Zachary Taylor