GOP Senators have their undies in a bunch over Joe Biden’s OMB pick because of her tweets

For over four years, Republicans have remained silent or they out right lied and denied all the horrible stuff Trump has tweeted out. But for some reason, President-elect Joe Biden’s pick for director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Neera Tanden, has them all up in arms because of her past tweets. Irony, hypocrisy, and double standards fly right completely over their heads.

“The concern I have is both judgment, based on the tweets that I’ve been shown, just in the last 24 hours … and it’s the partisan nature,” said Rob Portman, a former Office of Management and Budget director himself. “Of all the jobs, that’s one where I think you would need to be careful not to have someone who’s overtly partisan.”

Tanden, 50, has regularly clashed with the GOP in a manner that Republicans say will complicate her Senate confirmation process. Several GOP senators said Monday that she could run into trouble during confirmation hearings, warning that her “partisan” background could make it hard for her to win Republican support.

She is a close ally of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and served as a senior adviser to President Barack Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services, where she helped draft the Affordable Care Act. She is the president of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a left-leaning think tank with deep ties to Democratic policymakers. The OMB plays a pivotal role in the White House because of its work in setting the federal budget and clearing new regulations.



After Joe Biden nominated Neera Tanden, she deleted over 1,000 tweets from her Twitter account, including one that calls Mitch McConnell, “Moscow Mitch.”

Her Twitter biography now states the following:

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