Wing Nuts flips out over President Biden tripping

As opposed to expressing empathy for a nearly eighty year old man tripping on stairs and falling, Wing Nuts have taken to social media to mock President Biden and claim he needs both physical and mental care. Trump Jr. even went so far to tweet out a photoshopped video of his disgusting father nailing President Biden in the head with a golf ball insinuating that this disgusting action caused President Biden to trip. Twitter really needs to cancel his vile ass.

On his way to Atlanta, GA to visit with grieving ‘Asian-American local leaders in the wake of the mass shootings in the Atlanta area that left eight people dead, most of them Asian women,’ President Biden tripped three times going up the stairs to board Air Force One. White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters aboard Air Force One that Biden was “doing fine” and blamed the wind for the President’s fall. White House communications director Kate Bedingfield also tweeted that Biden did not require any attention from the medical team on board.

In November 2020, President Biden suffered a broken foot while playing with his dog Major.

Of course the Neanderthals over at Fox ‘News’ had to do their usual whataboutisms and make President Biden’s fall their bigly news story of the day.

After sounding the alarm over President Trump‘s use of a ramp at the U.S. Military Academy during the 2020 presidential election, both CNN and MSNBC on Friday virtually ignored President Biden‘s intense fall while climbing the stairs onto Air Force One.

Not everyone is an ignorant ass on social media. Many folks appear reasonable and intelligent enough to grasp that people trip; some of us can be a bit clumsy but that doesn’t indicate we need mental or physical care. It means we can sometimes be a bit clumsy and trip, DERP!

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!