Matt Gaetz associate likely to strike a plea deal

Former Seminole County, Fla., tax collector Joel Greenberg, is likely cooperating with federal prosecutors in a bid to secure a reduced sentence.

The potentially ominous development for the close ally of former President Donald Trump came as prosecutors and a defense attorney for Greenberg appeared before a judge (Thursday) to discuss the next steps in a recently expanded criminal case charging Greenberg with sex trafficking of a minor, as well as stalking, bribery and defrauding the pandemic-related Paycheck Protection Program.

The federal probe looking into whether Gaetz had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl and paid for her travel began last year and grew out of the Greenberg investigation.

“We believe this case is going to be a plea,” federal prosecutor Roger Handberg said at the outset of the brief hearing. “My hope would be that it is done this month.”

Greenberg’s attorney doesn’t believe the deal will be complete by the end of April, but agreed his client is looking for a deal.