Man Destroys Church’s COVID Testing Tent After Stealing 20-ton Forklift

According to the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, late Saturday night, someone broke into the National Trench Safety business and drove off with a 20-ton forklift.

The suspect managed to drive all the way down the street until he got to the South Sacramento Christian Center property. There, he drove through the parking lot and apparently went right for the church’s tent, mangling it.

The tent was the church’s COVID-19 testing center and food distribution site.

Deputies say the suspect eventually ended up behind a motel in the area. He was taken into custody off the forklift at gunpoint, the sheriff’s office says.

The Sheriff Department said the 36 year-old man is charged with felony vandalism. The department is trying to verify the man’s identity. He’s still in jail.

The church said this is the second time the tent has had to be replaced, no reason was given for replacing it the first time.

The church pastor estimated the damage was around 50-70 thousand dollars.

CBS Sacramento

CBS Sacramento

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