Kenosha Demonstrator with Rifle Identified as Fired Ferguson Cop

A man who called himself “Maserati Mike” paraded around Kenosha this week with a long gun and a sex toy as an anti-Black Lives Matter demonstrator.

Jesse T. Kline confirmed his identity on Thursday, as did the Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department, who fired him in 2018 for poking a Glock 21 handgun into the chest of a man with his ex-girlfriend while off-duty. The charges were dropped when the girlfriend and a key witness refused to testify.

Jesse Kline

Kline showed up in Kenosha this week, sometimes with a dog, while wearing a bullet-proof vest and blowing into a bullhorn about BLM supporting pedophiles, yelling things like “Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization!”

On Wednesday morning, Kenosha police made him put away his rifle because he did not have a concealed carry license and was within 1,000 feet of a school. After that, he drove away in a Maserati and returned hours later without the rifle.

On Thursday he showed up with his dog and what appeared to be a gun case. When approached by the media he pulled out a sex toy and waved it around yelling, “yeah!” and some expletives.

Kenosha News, Daily Beast