Rand Paul urges the MAGAt truckers to ‘clog up’ our cities and the Super Bowl; more ‘Freedumb Convoy’ updates

‘I hope they clog up cities’

In an interview with the Daily Signal, a far right, wing nut outlet, Senator Rand Paul said he’s all for the MAGAt truckers, known as the ‘Freedom Convey,’ clogging up our cities and disrupting the Super Bowl.

“I’m all for it. Civil disobedience is a time-honored tradition in our country, from slavery to civil rights to you name it. Peaceful protest, clog things up, make people think about the mandates.”

He added, “I hope the truckers do come to America, and I hope they clog up cities.”


Although the ‘Freedumb Convoy’ has focused primarily on our neighbors to the north, Canada, the truck blockade has affected the United States.

Ford Ohio Assembly Plant in Avon Lake hit hard by protests at border, semiconductor shortage

Closed through next week, possibly longer

Good job, MAGAts!

On Friday, Ford said in a statement that the interruptions on the Ambassador Bridge that connects Detroit with Windsor, Ontario are impacting customers, auto workers, suppliers, communities and companies on both sides of the border, and as a result of the border protests, the Ohio Assembly Plant is now down, while plants in Oakville, Ontario and Windsor, Ontario are running at reduced capacity.

Ford had already reduced operations at plants because of the ongoing semiconductor shortage happening across the globe. The company has been working since the start of the pandemic to address the issue, and many plants have undergone shutdowns as a result of the shortages.

Because of the effects of the protests and the semiconductor shortages, the Ohio Assembly Plant will be closed through the week of Feb. 14, if not longer. The Kansas City Assembly Transit plant will also be shut down during that time.

The Ohio Plant has about 1,600 hourly workers. The local Union Facebook page posted Friday to alert its members and offer instructions on how to file unemployment.

As Poodlehead encouraged the MAGAts to disrupt our cities, Canada is so over it:

Police have moved in to break up a days-long protest at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ont., where vehicles have been blocking traffic on the crucial border crossing into the U.S.

“We urge all demonstrators to act lawfully and peacefully,” Windsor police said in a tweet as officers started to move in with other law enforcement at about 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. 

They also advised people to stay away from the area.

While some protesters left immediately, a handful remained as of 10 a.m. Police formed a line and were steadily pushing back the demonstrators, some of whom were shouting “shame,” “freedom” and “you’re on the wrong side.”

So, who is behind this latest MAGAt uprise?

As U.S. ‘trucker convoy’ picks up momentum, foreign meddling adds to fray

Facebook said Friday it removed trucker and convoy groups run by overseas actors. Many anti-vaccine and conspiracy-driven groups have moved to embrace convoy organizing.

  • Run by fake accounts tied to content mills in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Romania and several other countries.
  • Large pro-Trump groups had been changing their names to go with convoy-related themes earlier this week.
  • The groups frequently directed users away from Facebook toward websites that sold pro-Trump and anti-vaccine merchandise.
  • The details of foreign interference come as anti-vaccine protesters, pro-Trump groups and QAnon supporters have shifted their full attention to making trucker convoys a reality on American roads.
  • American far-right groups on Facebook, Telegram and the voice chat app Zello have aimed to replicate the demonstration in cities across the United States. People have passed around flyers in group chats urging truckers to stop traffic at this Sunday’s Super Bowl in Los Angeles, but the groups have found a three-day window to be too short for sufficient mobilization.

“Voicing opposition to government mandates is not against Meta’s policies,” the spokesperson said in a statement. “However, we have removed multiple groups and Pages for repeatedly violating our policies prohibiting QAnon content and those run by spammers in different countries around the world. We continue to monitor the situation and take action.”

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