Border Negotiations a Set Up For Failure

Three U.S. Senators have spent weeks working on a bipartisan immigration deal that is likely to go nowhere, as a growing number of House Republicans are bluntly saying that it stands virtually no chance of passing in their chamber.

Reaching a deal is critical to both Senate leaders Schumer and McConnell as well as President Biden, as it could unlock further funding for Ukraine and Israel.

What hasn’t been said is that Trump is also involved in the negotiations.

“I don’t think [President Biden] can agree to deal that Trump would be satisfied with, so I think the parties are at loggerheads,” said Brian Darling, a GOP strategist and former Senate aide.  “It’s going to be very hard to cut a deal under the current circumstances without Trump campaigning against Congress and campaigning against Republicans who cut the deal.” 

The Hill

Speaker Johnson’s vague negativity on a border deal was upstaged by House FreedumbCucksRUs member Troy Nehls (Texass) who was more candid on the matter.

So the border crisis is a convenient and useful political football, but could the issue cost us the Republic in the upcoming election?

Follower of right wing insanity and editor at Meidas Touch, Ron Filipkowski has brought the discussion forward, and says it’s time for Democrats to engage.

From Filipkowski’s editorial, Democrats Don’t Want to Talk About the Border, So I’ll Start :

With the economy humming heading into 2024, and powerful social issues such as reproductive rights clearly favoring Democrats, the central issue for Donald Trump and Republican candidates around the country will be the border and virtually uncontrolled mass migration. Everything they will highlight in this election – crime, drug overdoses, strains on social services – will all be wrapped up in racial overtones directed squarely at swing voters who decide close elections.

I have been very sympathetic to migrants for decades because I have worked with them every day in my practice as an attorney. I believe in very liberal immigration. I believe that migrants work harder for less money than native born Americans and take jobs in farming and construction that many Americans are simply unwilling to do. I believe that if we deported every migrant tomorrow our economy would crash. I have seen how devoted to their families they are and know that they commit crimes at lower rates than people born in America. But none of those things makes me believe that we should allow every person who shows up at our border to be allowed into the country largely unvetted.

People on both sides have retreated into their information echo systems on this issue – with Republicans using fear, racism and paranoia to exaggerate the problem, and Democrats either arguing that the problem doesn’t exist or that the solution is more government funding. Many Republicans would rather have the issue for elections than provide any real solutions. Many Democrats propose solutions that fail to address the central underlying motivations for mass migration and may only make the problem worse with unintended consequences.

Read the entire editorial at Meidas Touch, and give us your feedback.