Republicans Trying Another Angle for Biden Impeachment

After it seemed like the excitement of Jim Comer’s impeachment investigation had settled, Republicans are back in the saddle, gunning for another attempt to convict President Biden of high crimes and misdemeanors.

This new attempt is based on President Biden saying this week that the United States would not supply Israel with certain weapons and artillery shells if its military invades Rafah. 

Somehow they are attempting to parallel Biden’s stance on Israel to Donald Trump’s extortion of Ukraine, withholding military aid for dirt on his political opponent — Joe Biden.

"Now some people say Joe Biden is doing this for reelection, which would be bad enough," Sen. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, told reporters at a news conference slamming Biden's comments. "It would also, I have to add, be grounds for impeachment under the Democrats' Trump-Ukraine standard — withholding foreign aid to help one's reelection. Only with Joe Biden, it's true."

THeY sEeM PrEtTy sErIoUs aBoUt iT.

Suck on this, Republicans:

The Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan watchdog, formally concluded that Trump broke the law by withholding about $214 million in defense aid.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” the watchdog concluded.

Is that what Biden is doing?


The White House does have to spend the congressionally approved aid on Israel by the end of the fiscal year in September, according to a defense policy expert. “So basically, he’s going to have to spend that money on Israel as Congress appropriated, but he doesn’t have to do that today.”

There are now seven different GOP impeachment resolutions piling up on Capitol Hill, none of which are likely to reach the House floor.

Business Insider, MSNBC