Last Call

Last Call: 4-11-20

205 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all not dead from The Trumpvirus. Today, the United States surpassed Italy and now leads the MORE


Coronavirus updates: 4-11-20

Since the Coronavirus Warriors took the weekend off, News Views has the latest COVID-19 updates at your fingertips. The US surpassed Italy’s death toll from the coronavirus. 528, 990 reported cases in the US. Its MORE

Live Discussions

The Coronavirus Warriors press briefing: 4-9-20

Join News Views for a Live Discussion on ‘The Soup Line President’ Trump, Pastor Pence, Scarf Lady, and the real Coronavirus Warrior, Dr. Fauci’s press briefing. More than likely, the Warriors will begin their briefing late as usual but allegedly, they MORE

Live Discussions

The Coronavirus Warriors press briefing: 4-8-20

Join News Views for a Live Discussion on The Most Incompetent Buffoon  Trump, Pastor Pence, Scarf Lady, and the real Coronavirus Warrior, Dr. Fauci’s press briefing. More than likely, the Warriors will begin their briefing late as usual but allegedly, MORE

The Lounge

Haiku Wednesday

Challenge yourself; test your skills. Today, you get to put your comments, whatever you want to post, in Haiku format. You can reply to others as you choose but try to make your first, any stand alone comment, as a Haiku. MORE

Live Discussions

The Coronavirus Warriors press briefing: 4-7-20

Join News Views for a Live Discussion on ‘Horrid!’  Trump, Pastor Pence, Scarf Lady, and the real Coronavirus Warrior, Dr. Fauci’s press briefing. More than likely, the Warriors will begin their briefing late as usual but allegedly, they scheduled it MORE