Wingnut Watch

Tulsi Gabbard to speak at CPAC

Tulsi Gabbard (Gabbardnov) will join TFG, DeathSantis, Mike Pompeo, and other MAGAts in Florida when the all get together later this week for their yearly Hate Fest known as CPAC. From The Hill: Gabbard’s scheduled MORE

Last Call

Last Call: february 19, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Saturday night. If you’re into basketball, you must be in heaven at this moment with all the All Star festivities and the ‘big game’ tomorrow. I know I’m probably MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: February 15, 2022

We’ve all had ‘those days’ where everything that could go wrong does goes wrong. You feel frustrated and teeter between, “I just want to punch something” to ” I just want to cry or scream!” MORE