Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, Coffee Talkers, and welcome to the 2022 Coffee Talk finale. Hope you can join me with a steamy cup of Joe and some breakfast niblets. I made a big batch of blueberry pancakes MORE

In case you missed it:

Liveblog - ICYMI: December 28, 2022

With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources.  MORE

In case you missed it:

Liveblog - ICYMI: December 27, 2022

With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources.  MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

It’s another Monday as we finish out the year, the Monday after Christmas, soon to be 2023. In a year full of drama, chaos, and lightening fast changes, some things stay consistent. What, you may MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 51

Happy Friday News Viewers, coming to you from Washington DC, where I’m spending Christmas. The present under the tree this year is the J6 report, a report that was researched, investigated, compiled and signed by MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Grab your coffee, friends! Today’s Topic There is a blizzard buzzing around a third of the country, and for those who might be missing out on that kind of fun, don’t worry — there is MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: December 20, 2022

Good morning, News Viewers and Happy Tuesday. So, everyone get their holiday shopping done? Still out there looking for the deals or that perfect gift for the person who pretty much has everything and what MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Monday morning, December 19, and that reflection we see? It’s 2022 in the Rear View….. This is our Monday open forum Free Range, where anything goes and everything stays, that is unless it breaks the MORE

Weekend Wrap Up

Weekend Wrap Up: December 18, 2022

With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources.  MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 50

Happy Friday News Viewers, welcome to the free chat zone — the rules are simple, the atmosphere is relaxed, the problems are discussed and the jokes are HILARIOUS. 🙂 Here’s hoping your Christmas is shaping MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, friends, welcome to Coffee Talk, the free chat space of Thursdays — where the whole day is ahead of us to chat about anything, everything, or nothing (and also cats). Well, there’s also MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: December 13, 2022

Good morning, News Viewers and welcome to cold, chilly, rainy, foggy, snowy days. Here in Northern CA, we’ve had some pretty good rainfall totals, which hopefully, made a dent in our ongoing drought issues. But, MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday News Viewers, hopefully a happy Monday it is — really 🙂 In the words of Captain Picard, we’ll try to “Make it so” because after all, a good day is better than the MORE