Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: March 1, 2022

Goooooood morning, News Viewers and welcome to a new month, March. So far it’s a lamb, weatherwise, but we could use some lion after two dry months. Anyway, enjoy your free chat and a break MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

The last Monday in February. This is Free Range, our Monday Free chat with an environmental focus, attention to this blue planet and all things living and non-living, above and below, bright and dark, future MORE

Last Call

Last Call: February 26, 2022

Gooooood Evening, News Viewers. Let’s take a break from WW3, if possible, and kickback and enjoy the evening. Time goes by really, really fast so…pour your favorite beverage, turn on your favorite tunes, and enjoy MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 8

Happy Friday News Viewers, unbelievably, February is almost gone, and ”good riddance, buh-bye, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. . … .Wars and rumors of wars. We’ve witnessed the beginning of MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers, and welcome to the new chaos bombarding us in our homes thanks to the irrational authoritarian on the other side of the globe — as opposed to the usual chaos coming from MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: February 22, 2022

Good morning, News Viewers. Let’s try the date a different way because there is nothing else extremely interesting or more important to do at O’Dark Thirty in the morning. 2-22-22 Check out all those 2s…exciting MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday News Viewers, this is Free Range, our Free Chat with an environmental bent. Below are pictures of Ukraine getting ready for war. While Putin plays word games, regular people try to prepare. As MORE

Last Call

Last Call: february 19, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Saturday night. If you’re into basketball, you must be in heaven at this moment with all the All Star festivities and the ‘big game’ tomorrow. I know I’m probably MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 7

Happy Friday News Viewers and welcome to our free chat on Fridays; all topics all the time, within the bounds of reason, civility and good taste. 😉 Today’s important because we are, apparently, coming up MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning and welcome back to Coffee Talk, the free chat zone for Thursdays at NewsViews. I’ll just say that I’m still on my first pot this morning, it’s been that kind of a week. MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: February 15, 2022

We’ve all had ‘those days’ where everything that could go wrong does goes wrong. You feel frustrated and teeter between, “I just want to punch something” to ” I just want to cry or scream!” MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Happy Thursday morning, fellow NewsViewers, and welcome to another edition of Coffee Talk. I grabbed the biggest mug in the cupboard today and I’m well on my way to becoming woke. Yep, I’m alert, aware, MORE