Two visions for Democratic Party compete in New Hampshire primary: Socialism or pragmatism?

France 24 special report on Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, when voters will choose between two visions for the Democratic Party: Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ socialist agenda and the more moderate policies of former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

“Healthcare is a ‘yoo-man’ right, not a privilege,” Bernie Sanders told cheering voters at a town hall […] as he laid out his plan for Medicare for all on Sunday. It’s a policy idea that is hugely popular with his supporters. […]

‘He is really inspiring’

Following the Vermont Senator’s strong showing in the Iowa caucuses, Sanders’ core support has proven very durable and his base, unlike that of former Vice President Joe Biden, is energised. […]

It’s all about healthcare

The Democratic candidates’ position on the hot button issue of healthcare encapsulates their approach to the election. Pete Buttigieg portrays himself as much more pragmatic than Sanders. […]

New to the political scene

But beating Trump is going to be hard. There were more people lining up in the cold and rain ahead of a Trump campaign rally in Manchester on Monday than attending many of the Democratic candidates town hall events. […]

There is a saying that Democrats fall in love and Republicans fall in line. […]


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