Cuomo unveils ‘self-portrait of America’: A wall of hundreds of protective masks

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo unveiled a collage of face masks on Wednesday at his daily press briefing, calling it a “self-portrait of America.”

The governor says his office has received thousands of masks from across the country as a show of support.

“You what know it spells? It spells love.”

“This is what this country is about and this is what Americans are about,” Cuomo said. “A little bit more of this and a little bit less of the partisanship and the ugliness and this country would be a better place.”

Continuing dialogue with Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, Cuomo also said on Wednesday that New York contributes $29 billion more to the federal government than it receives, while Kentucky – McConnell’s home state – receives $37 billion more than it gives.

This story was at The Hill.