QAnon Nutter’s Speech Scrapped Hours Before RNC

Mary Ann Mendoza, a member of the Trump campaign advisory board, was scheduled to speak at the RNC on Tuesday night, but was pulled from the platform just hours before air time.

Earlier in the day, a tweet was discovered that Mendoza made urging 40,000 followers to investigate a Jewish plot to enslave the world.

“Do yourself a favor and read this thread,” she tweeted, linking to a QAnon conspiracy theorist who laid out an anti-Semitic telling of the Rothschilds, a famous Jewish banking family from Germany, and their plot to terrorize non-Jews and promote world wars.

While the thread includes extensive anti-Semitism and references to QAnon, it also alleges that Hillary Clinton is a “Satanic High Priestess” and that  Barack Obama’s Washington home smells like sulfur — a reference to the idea, popular with InfoWars host Alex Jones, that Obama somehow smells like sulfur because he’s connected to the devil and Hell.

Full of QAnon references, the thread from Twitter user @WarNuse claimed that the Titanic had been sunk to protect the Federal Reserve, and that every president between John F. Kennedy and Donald Trump was a “slave president” in the thrall of a global cabal. 

Mendoza is an “angel mom” whose son was killed in 2014 by a drunk driver she says was living in the U.S. illegally. The Trump campaign would not confirm whether Mendoza would remain on the Women For Trump board.

Mendoza is not the only scheduled convention speaker with strange theories to promote.

Public school teacher Rebecca Friedrichs, who spoke at the convention on Monday, has claimed that public schools use their curricula to “groom” children for sexual predators like Jeffrey Epstein. On Tuesday, Vice reported that anti-abortion activist and convention speaker Abby Johnson praised the idea of police racially profiling her biracial son as “smart.” 

“Statistically, my brown son is more likely to commit a violent offense over my white sons,” Johnson said in a video. 

See The Daily Beast and the Washington Post.