Oregon doctor dismisses Covid-19 as a ‘common cold;’ “Take off the mask of shame”

An Oregon doctor dismissed Covid-19 as a “common cold” in a recently surfaced video and said the staff members at his clinic have not worn masks during the coronavirus pandemic.

The doctor, Steven LaTulippe, made the comments Nov. 7 during a “Stop the Steal” rally in support of President Donald Trump to a group gathered outside the State Capitol in Salem.

“I want to expose what I call corona mania,” LaTulippe says in a video shared on YouTube by the political group Multnomah County Republicans and first reported by NBC affiliate KGW of Portland.

“I and my staff, none of us, not once, wore a mask in my clinic,” said Dr. Steven LaTulippe, a family medicine doctor at South View Medical Arts in Dallas, Oregon.

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