This Is the Cost of a Failed Impeachment

When the Senate failed to remove Trump last year, it all but guaranteed his future attempts to overturn the election.

The memory of impeachment is back with a vengeance this week. Though Biden beat Trump, the president continues to try to overturn Biden’s victory. In a phone call on Saturday that was eerily reminiscent of Trump’s July 2019 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump tried to pressure Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger of Georgia (the state, not the country) to do something, anything, to throw the state’s results back to him.

During impeachment, Trump’s critics,  warned repeatedly that if he were not impeached and removed, he’d feel empowered to commit the same offenses again. Trump’s current, shambling coup attempt is the price of the Senate’s failure to remove him.

Some of the early reaction to the coup call has focused on whether Trump could be held criminally liable. “I understand that the Fulton County district attorney wants to look at it,” Raffensperger himself said on Good Morning America today. “Maybe that’s the appropriate venue for it to go.” Legal experts agree that it is deeply inappropriate, but are mixed on whether Trump could be charged with a crime.

The Price of a Failed Impeachment – The Atlantic

Article submitted by, pccommentary.