Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 01/14/21

With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks.  Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing.

  • President-Elect Joe Biden has tapped Jaime Harrison to lead the Democratic National Committee, which will meet next week to elect a new chairman, a senior Democrat close to the DNC confirmed to NBC News.
  • Biden will also announce a COVID-19 relief plan this evening. Join News Views for a Live Discussion on it.

Impeachment 2.0:

  • Lisa Murkowski issues a statement about impeaching Trump. She doesn’t say how she will vote if and when the articles of impeachment reach the Senate for a second trial.
  • Although Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) voted against impeaching the White Supremacist in Chief, that hasn’t stopped White ISIS from targeting him:
  • Opposite Day: QAnon supporting wing nut, Marjorie Taylor Greene, announced on Newsmax that she will introduce Articles of Impeachment against President elect Joe Biden on January 21, 2021.
  • Trump whines about getting impeached TWICE while his staff loots the White House:

White ISIS:

  • Dozens of people on a terrorist watch list were in Washington for pro-Trump events Jan. 6, a day that ended in a chaotic crime rampage when a violent mob stormed the U.S. Capitol, according to people familiar with evidence gathered in the FBI’s investigation.
  • Separately, while the FBI is hunting hundreds of rioting suspects who have dispersed back to their hometowns, federal agents are increasingly focused on alleged leaders, members, and supporters of the Proud Boys, a male-chauvinist group (INCELS) with ties to white nationalism, these people said.
  • Douglas Jensen turned himself in to the Des Moines Police Department Friday. He was one of the first people to force his way into the Capitol. Jensen, the document states, disregarded multiple orders by an officer to stop and put his hands up, instead “[leading] the crowd toward the officer in a menacing manner, causing the officer to retreat and repeat his commands.”
  • The MAGAt seen parading around the Capitol Building with a Confederate flag, Kevin Seefried, was arrested in Delaware. His son Hunter Seefried was also arrested.
  • And another MAGAt, Robert Sanford, a 55-year-old retired firefighter from PA who allegedly threw a fire extinguisher that hit three police officers, was arrested along with a bunch of other MAGAts.


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