The New York Times is reporting that Trump was very sick with COVID-19 in October, sicker than officials acknowledged.

Trump’s blood oxygen was in the 80’s, and a lung problem associated with pneumonia brought on by COVID-19 had officials worried he would be put on a ventilator at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The disease is considered severe when blood oxygen levels reach the low 90’s.
Four people familiar with his condition have said that he had lung infiltrates, which occur when the lungs are inflamed and contain substances such as fluid or bacteria. They appear on an x-ray or scan as white, opaque areas in the lungs, and are a sign of an acute case of the disease.
Trump resisted being taken to the hospital after exhibiting a fever on October 2 and had trouble breathing. Aides told him that he could walk out on his own, or risk having to be carried out by Secret Service if he got sicker.
While still at the White House, Trump received an antibody cocktail to help fight off the virus.
After he was hospitalized, he was given the steroid dexamethasone, which is usually reserved for those who have severe or critical cases of COVID-19, or who need supplemental oxygen or ventilation.
Trump also received a five-day course of the antiviral drug remdesivir, a clear sign that there were significant lung issues.
Story at New York Times
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