Marjorie Taylor Greene Supporter Defends Her: ‘A Lot of People Didn’t Like Jesus Christ Either’ !



This last Thursday, CNN correspondent Donie O’Sullivan traveled to Dalton, Georgia, to interview people who attended a rally hosted by Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and her fellow congress member Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz.

According to O’Sullivan, Greene’s fans are fully supportive of her recent comments where she compared COVID mandates and mask wearing to how the Nazis treated Jews during the Holocaust. Speaking to one woman who attended the rally, O’Sullivan mentioned to her that a lot of people “don’t like Greene.”

“That’s okay, because you know what? A lot of people didn’t like Jesus Christ,” the woman said.

The supporter was unaware of the Holocaust – COVID mandates comparison of Greene’s. When told of it she agreed, and brought up Nazis and Josef Mengele. She compared Mengele using experimental drugs on children and people to the COVID vaccination.

The interview begins at about 2:25.


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