Federal Appeals Court to Consider Whether Michigan Students Can be Required to Wear Masks

The case involves a Catholic elementary school – Lansing-based Resurrection School – which contends that any state mandate that children age five and older wear a mask in classrooms is unconstitutional. 

The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals will be hearing arguments Wednesday.

The school says such a rule would violate “sincerely held religious beliefs” because they say humans were made in the image of God, and masks shield that image from being seen.

 The school also said masks pose a health or learning problem for students who have health problems or trouble being understood while wearing a mask.

There is currently no mandate in the state of Michigan that requires children to wear masks in school. Michigan health officials have recommended that students and faculty wear masks at school, though it’s up to individual districts to set their own rules regarding safety protocols against COVID-19.

Michigan Radio – NPR

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