Free Chat Friday, Week 45

Happy Friday News Viewers on this gloomy cloudy Friday morning, November 12, 2021. This is Free Chat where anything goes, all (or most) topics, you pick…….. No snow so far in my old Kentucky home, but big snow is expected in the Midwest and upper Midwest. So it’ s true — in the words of Ned Stark, Winter is coming. . . .

And there is something positive in that — the seasons, the heat, the cold, the changing leaves are all expected and somewhat predictable. Maybe that’s why weather is so easy to talk about — it’s preferable to the chaotic and unpredictable which pretty much describes our politics today. . . . A view of the cartoons shows what we’ve been talking about all week– crazy GOPers, crazy climate change, craziness in sports and in schools, craziness with COVID and the highly politicized treatments for it.

Let’s chat about it, the crazy and the sane,. . . . tell us what’s happening in your neck of the woods and what you think about all of it— meanwhile, ,I’m eating a blueberry muffin for breakfast and wishing it was a cinnamon roll…..OH WELL!