Racist Komments at a Koncealed Karry event in Las Vegas spark outrage

Several Republican candidates and politicians attended a conservative concealed carry event in Las Vegas where the featured presenter displayed blatantly racist slides on a big screen. Of course the crowd laughed their asses off because this is what appeals to the lowest form of life.

Politicians listed as guests included: “Michele Fiore, now a candidate for treasurer; Joey Gilbert, candidate for governor; North Las Vegas mayor John Lee, candidate for governor; Sharelle Mendenhall, candidate for U.S. Senate; Tom Roberts, candidate for Clark County sheriff; and Noah Malgeri, candidate for U.S. Congress. However, it was not immediately clear how many actually attended. Gilbert said on his Twitter page that he did not go to the event. He also condemned the presentation.”

For those that do not know, Michele Fiore is the EmptyG/Horse face of the Great Basin.

To his credit, gubernatorial candidate, Joey Gilbert, condemned the event and claimed he did not attend:

“The slide that was used at the CCW class that I was invited to attend, but did not attend and had no involvement with whatsoever, is abhorrent and I condemn the blatant racism,” Gilbert said. “Period.”

Las Vegas Review-Journal (shitty RW rag):

The featured presenter also stereo-typed white people or based on the image below, your average MAGAt:

In a video posted on the Vegas-CCW Facebook page, Donald Trump, Jr. appears in a video applauding the event. “…I want to acknowledge all of you patriots out there. Keep up the good work. Keep signing up, people. Make sure we protect the Second Amendment.”


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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!