Coffee Talk

Good morning, boys and girls! Rise and shine, it’s another Thursday and another chance to sound off at a News Views free chat session.

Free chats give us the opportunity to share off-topic convos, whether news-worthy, gossipy, funny, or simply what’s interesting in your world.

Coffee Talk also offers an alternate topic if it interests you.

Today’s Topic

It’s been three long years since the Invisible Enemy was controlling our lives. Here he is, Mr. Believable, below, explaining how the virus was going to take a back seat to capitalism by Easter.

Annnnnddd…. whoopsie, looks like opening up by Easter didn’t work out after all?

Well, apparently TFG was putting all his eggs in President Xi’s basket because of the wonderful job they were doing in China.

But seriously, folks….

We’ve come a long way when you think about all that we were dealing with in the spring of 2020.

This coming Monday, the White House has hatched a plan for the annual Easter eggstravaganza on the lawn, the traditional White House Easter Egg Roll. Dr. Jill Biden’s office says the theme of the party is “EGGucation” for a second year in a row, and the South Lawn and Ellipse will be transformed “into a school community, full of fun educational activities for children of all ages.”

Also exciting news released is that the White House Easter Bunny gets a revamped costume, in which multiple staffers play the role for an hour or so at a time.

Former press secretary Sean Spicer had been heard to suggest that early was best, and that as the day wore on the costume became “hot and gross, quick.”

At any rate, those were Easters we’d like to forget, eh? So let’s talk about happier times.

Do you have any favorite Easter memories, traditions, or plans for the weekend?

Any ($5/dozen) egg decorating, egg hunts, or candy hoarding to look forward to?

Maybe you celebrate the beginning of gardening season?

Maybe you are celebrating Indictment of the Dotard Season?

What’s happening, peeps (not those gross, sticky marshmallow thingies) — in your world? It’s a free chat session at Coffee Talk, so let’s get some things on the board to discuss.

Have a great Thursday!