MAGAts Latest Outrage: Dove

Community organizer Zyahna Bryant announced on her Instagram account at the end of August that she was a “Dove ambassador” and hoped to push the idea of “fat liberation.” MAGAts have a meltdown and have called for boycotting Dove because Ms. Bryant alleged in 2020, that a white student at the University of Virginia (UVA) made “threatening” comments about a group of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors. 

Making the announcement, Bryant wrote: “Fat liberation is something we should all be talking about! That’s why I am partnering with Dove, to support the work of [the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance], @flareforjustice in the Campaign for Size Freedom.”

She said in an accompanying video clip: “My belief is that we should be centering the voices and experiences of the most marginalized people and communities at all times. So when I think about what fat liberation looks like to me, I think about centering the voices of those who live in and who maneuver through spaces and institutions in a fat body.”

The controversy began when former UVA student Morgan Bettinger mistakenly drove down a street where there was a gathering of BLM protestors. In an interview with Reason magazine earlier this year, Bettinger said that on realizing traffic had been blocked, she parked her car to have a look at what was going on. Bryant alleged she heard Bettinger wrote on X that Bettinger said the protestors “would make ‘good speedbumps. She requested the university expel Bettinger.

The link furnished above has more details on the she said, she said, she recanted incident. Nonetheless, MAGAts have called for a boycott but, that won’t be too difficult for them since soap might not even be on their shopping list.

Ms. Bettinger filed a lawsuit against the University of Virginia following the incident that occurred in 2020.

Bettinger accuses the university of failing to protect her civil rights to free speech and race-based discrimination.

Legal filing found here:

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