Trump whines about media too focused on Pandemic as U.S. hit record case numbers

President Donald Trump traveled to Lumberton, North Carolina, on Saturday for what the White House billed as remarks in honor of the Lumbee Tribe, the largest Native American tribe in North Carolina and the largest one east of the Mississippi River.

Members of the tribe were among supporters and some in the audience held red “Lumbees for Trump” signs as the crowd cheered and a drum was beaten at the rally-like event.

But Trump spent little time talking about his work for Native American communities and instead leveled attacks against his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, whom he mocked for holding a drive-in rally earlier on Saturday. Trump, who recovered from COVID-19 earlier this month, appeared to again downplay a new nationwide wave of COVID-19 infections after the U.S. broke a single-day record for new cases.

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Article submitted by, Adamas.