Ballot Processing Center in Detroit Removes Two Poll Challengers

As ballot processing began in Michigan today, police removed two poll challengers from the convention center, one who was wearing a horror-movie mask, acted strangely and began shouting that the process was “crooked.”

The man didn’t give his name, but stood in line and identified himself to police as a poll challenger.

Workers started processing absentee ballots, but not tabulating, at 10am today. Poll challengers, both Democratic and Republican, are allowed on site.

The man had credentials to be a poll challenger, but when he started shouting in the direction of poll workers and then at police, he was escorted out by police. A Detroit election supervisor said he was using racist language, referring to slavery, and that his mask was not covering his mouth.

A woman was also removed by police when she was asked to cover her nose with her mask. She refused, and when police asked her to leave, she did.

Detroit Free Press