Thousands sign petition to fire Franklin Graham for backing ‘Trump’s deadly presidency’


As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 17,000 people have signed a petition by the Christian community Faithful America that pushes for Graham’s removal from Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The petition, created Jan. 15, is addressed to the board of directors at both organizations.

“Graham gets away with his hatred and conspiracy-theories by hiding behind the humanitarian work of Samaritan’s Purse and his late father’s name,” Faithful America said in the petition. “It’s time for Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to realize that by propping up Franklin’s unchristian extremism, they are abandoning their Gospel missions, undermining democracy, and helping incite white-nationalist sedition.”

“The House Democrats impeached him because they hate him and want to do as much damage as they can,” Graham said in the post. “And these ten, from his own party, joined in the feeding frenzy. It makes you wonder what the thirty pieces of silver were that Speaker Pelosi promised for this betrayal.”

The Charlotte Observer

Franklin added without evidence:

No scriptures and/or proselytizing.

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