Free Range Free Chat

Autumnal Equinox, this Saturday, September 23. First day of astronomical fall……

Happy Monday, News Viewers, the beginning of the work week OR the strike week, for as UAW strikers are saying, “one job should be enough,”. . . .

This is our Monday Free Chat and you have the floor, but Mother Earth has the foundation and the ceiling, and this week that foundation gently shifts as the Autumnal Equinox approaches (on Saturday) First day of Astronomical Autumn — unbelievable…… Remember when we were saying on an almost daily basis, “My gawd, will this Summer EVER end?”

Autumn in our imaginations. . . .

Today with Fall knocking at the door, I have the AC off, the windows open and I just turned off Morning Joe after Joe once again compared Trump’s comments about how Biden will get us into “WW II” to Biden’s speaking, noting that if the GOP is accusing Biden of cognitive decline, why aren’t they addressing the fact that both men make verbal mistakes? Sorry Morning Joe, apples and oranges, ya putz.

Attempting both-sideism when it comes to the intellectual functioning of Joe and Donald tells me a little something-something about Morning Joe’s intellectual functioning. And his increasingly RW politics. . . .

Autumn in Hawaii. . . .
The Autumnal Equinox has the the earth and sun in position for great Aurora views in Alaska. . . .

OK, so Fall doesn’t look like changing leaves and tree canopies everywhere –the Autumnal Equinox is more about the earth and the sun, their arrival at a certain place, distance, time in relation to each other such that during the Equinox, day and night are nearly equal.

A beautiful day in Kentucky, clear and crisp. . . .just don’t go down in the basement and whatever you do, don’t stop for gas in the holler. JUST KIDDING, do as you please and tell us all about it…..whatcha got on this day off Chat?