Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: 7-14-2020

As of yesterday, 30 counties, or more appropriately, 85 percent of the population of CA, shuttered…again. So, I’m stuck at home, once again, but pretty much have been since November of last year. Besides hanging MORE


Covid-19 Pandemic USA Update

138,222 Americans are confirmed to have died from the Covid-19 virus, up 440 from 7/12. 3,477,689 Americans are confirmed to have contracted the Covid-19 virus, up 63,694 from 7/12. Over 424,000 Americans are confirmed to MORE


White House targets Dr. Fauci

The White House is seeking to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease expert, as Trump works to marginalize him and his dire warnings about the shortcomings of the U.S. coronavirus response. In a remarkable broadside by MORE

2020 Elections

A Glimmer of Election Hope For Trump

Late last month, the Democratic data firm TargetSmart found that while new voter registrations had plummeted amid the coronavirus pandemic, those who were registering in competitive states tended to be whiter, older and less Democratic than before. MORE


Covid-19 Pandemic USA Update

137,782 Americans are confirmed to have died from the Covid-19 virus, up 380 from 7/11. 3,413,060 Americans are confirmed to have contracted the Covid-19 virus, up 57,414 from 7/11. The USA currently has 32% of MORE


Covid-19 Pandemic USA Update

133,393 Americans are confirmed to have died from the Covid-19 virus, upp 722 from 7/10. 3,354,704 Americans are confirmed to have contracted the Covid-19 virus, up 60,777 from 7/10. This is the second consecutive day MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 7-11-2020

114 days until the General Election and hopefully we can end this nightmare, the corruption, chaos, and work together to restore our country and get this pandemic under control. This is insane and it just gets MORE