Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers, hope you are waking rested, refreshed, and feeling ready to take on today’s outrgeous issues — because we can be sure there will be several to tackle. Coffee Talk gives us a MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good Thursday morning and Happy Veterans Day, a day when our infamous Postmaster General Louis DeJoy can’t take the blame for your undelivered mail. Welcome to Coffee Talk where we can generally shoot the breeze MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: November 9, 2021

Weird, I almost typed 2019…WTF?! Good morning, News Viewers and welcome to Tuesday, which thankfully is not Monday. In fact, it’s my Thursday since it’s a very short week for me. Has everyone or even MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Uh oh. It’s a Bison Jam. And it’s in a National Park, so they have the right of way, mere humans have to yield. No problem, yielding NOW. After all, Saturday was National Bison Day, MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning and welcome to Thursday at NewsViews and Coffee Talk, where we can shoot the breeze, chew the fat, blather or bloviate on the topics of your choice. It’s a free chat zone, designed MORE