
Last Call: May 21, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Saturday evening. I’m relying on you guys to get the party going because…I’m tired and don’t have much going on. We did a lot of walking yesterday and up MORE

Last Call

Last Call: April 30, 2022

Goooooood evening News Viewers and TIMBER! I’ll get to that in a minute. So, another month has flown by. It seems like just a few weeks ago, we were ringing in 2022 but, damn, we’re MORE

Last Call

Last Call: April 16, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Saturday. In my neck of the woods, winter returned. I actually fired up my heater the other morning because it was cold. I’m sure many people experienced colder weather MORE

Last Call

Last Call: April 10, 2022

A day late and several dollars short. So, here’s Saturday’s Last Call but on Sunday Morning. We all went to my son’s house, barbequed, and had a nice time. The Feline Terrorists were not pleased MORE

Last Call

Last Call: April 2, 2022

Goooood evening, News Viewers and Happy April! So, today, I didn’t let the war in Ukraine ‘inconvenience’ one of my hobbies: gardening. More specifically, vegetable planting time! This year, I changed up a few things. MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 26, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers. So when my parents would go out when we were old enough to stay home by ourselves, they would always tell us, ”Don’t burn down the house and no fighting. And, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 12, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers. Remember, folks, spring forward. I think I’m one of three people alive that hates Daylight Saving Time. Yes, I really do. My internal clock has always ticked on Standard Time. Now, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 5, 2022

Good evening and welcome to the first Saturday of the month. I swear, it was warmer in January than it is right now! Oh, well; I won’t whine too much because in about three months, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: February 26, 2022

Gooooood Evening, News Viewers. Let’s take a break from WW3, if possible, and kickback and enjoy the evening. Time goes by really, really fast so…pour your favorite beverage, turn on your favorite tunes, and enjoy MORE

Last Call

Last Call: February 5, 2022

Gooood Evening, News Viewers and welcome to the first Saturday of the month. I’m glad you guys had fun requesting songs about Trump on PMS’ thread. What else is going on in your world? I’m MORE

Last Call

Last Call: January 29, 2022

While some of you are experiencing some pretty severe and nasty weather conditions, it’s like spring has sprung in lovely Northern California. My Meyer lemon tree, which still has a ton of lemons on it, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: January 22, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Saturday! Time to let off a bit of steam, pour yourself your favorite beverage, kick back, and chit chat. What’s on tonight’s menu? Pasta Primavera….just picked a bunch of MORE

Last Call

Last Call: January 15, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Saturday night. We just finished up watching the Raiders lose and getting knocked out of the playoffs. Personally, I’m surprised they made it this far since all the drama MORE


Last Call: January 8, 2022

Still getting used to typing, 2022. Goooood evening News Viewers and Happy Saturday night! We’re finally dry and not getting frostbite in ‘sunny’ CA; it was just a gorgeous day. I finally got a chance MORE

Last Call

Last Call: Happy New Year!

I decided to post this early today. So, do anything exciting last night? We didn’t–just hung out at home and welcomed in 2022 with a nice Prosecco at the same time those on Eastern Standard MORE

Last Call

Last Call: December 18, 2021

Gooooood evening, News Viewers, and Happy Saturday Evening. Tag! You’re it! So, News Views has another lurking lunatic that likes to tag us to go play in her sandbox. Ignore and block her; she’s an MORE

Last Call

Last Call: December 11, 2021

Gooooood evening, News Viewers, and Happy Saturday Evening. So, is everyone kind of ready for the holidays? Except for my mom, I’m done shopping….easy peay, all online except for a few things that I picked MORE


Last Call: December 4, 2021

Gooooood evening, News Viewers, and Happy Saturday Evening. It’s freaking cold outside…gloomy, damp, foggy, welcome to December cold. It was the kind of day that no matter how hard you tried, you weren’t going to MORE

Last Call

Last Call: October 30, 2021

Happy Halloween Eve! I don’t really think there’s such a thing but, I felt like saying it so, there’s that. Or, is it ‘Pumpkin Magic’ time? Tell me about your Halloween traditions, please. Let’s share! MORE