NY AG says Trump paid his $2 million in charity case

Trump has paid more than $2 million in damages as part of a court-ordered settlement stemming from allegations that his defunct charity misused funds, according to New York Attorney General Letitia James (D).

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain,” James said in a statement released Tuesday.

James said Trump’s payment has been distributed among eight charities: the Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals on Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, according to the statement.

Each charity received $476,140.41, James said.

In addition, Trump will be subject to restrictions and supervision if he attempts to create a new charity in New York state.


Article submitted by, Plainfield2.