News Views Launch: Talk o Tuesday 4-7-20

We’re bored; we’re quarantined, well, the smart states are, anyway and we want something to do since we’re pretty much trapped here, right? So, let’s talk.

Tell us what you’ve have done to pass the time away.

I’ll start: I’m part of what we call the sandwich generation. I have an elderly mother whom I talk to about four-five——or more times a day because she’s on lockdown. And…I help my kids; we’re a family and that is what we do. We stick together like glue and help one another.

‘My task’ is to cook, in bulk, and the kids get me some of the ingredients when they’re out searching for them for their ‘pre-orders’ of what they need or want and then make a run to grandma’s house and deliver her stuff.

Next week, I start gardening because it is allegedly spring. Although, Northern CA has been unseasonably cold and rainy. I have had a garden every year since I was a kid and always will. F off COVID-19.

So, how are you guys coping? Taking walks? Playing games? Binge watching? HANGING OUT ON NEWS VIEWS, what?

Im hanging out with my husband when he’s a here—he’s ‘essential’ so, it’s intermittent. Otherwise, it’s two dogs and a cat. Life is great, really.

And thanks to IMHO too for the topic, suggestion, and your support.

If anyone has any suggestions to help get us through all of this, please suggest. This is YOUR community, afterall.

And to all my family and friends–STAY STRONG! I LOVE YOU and we’ll be back when this is all over.

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About Ms. G 5736 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!