It’s been a week of staycation in my neck of the woods, and it’s remained hot and dry. As we’ve seemed to enter the dog days of summer, let me suggest you put your paws up and come have a cool drink with friends.
In the burg I reside in, most shops set out a nice cool community water dish for your pup to whet his dog-whistle while you window shop. But now there are becoming more and more places friendly to pets, and in my research I find that there are even entertainment establishments whose very existence caters to man’s best friend.
In Dallas, there’s Mutt’s Canine Cantina, part dog park and part beer garden.

In Colorado Springs, you’ll find Pub Dog. Here you can unleash Fido in a 3,000 square foot fenced in area while you’re served pub grub and specialty drinks like a Dirty Dog (martini) or a Bark ‘n Stormy.
Now if your dog is as smart as most of us here at News Views, he/she/it is a #Dog4Biden, as the trendy dogs of Twitter I have been following.
Here are Joe’s dogs, Champ and Major.

And meet Liz’s dog. No dog voter fraud here, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
And if you have any sort of real dog at all, he/she/it is not a Trump fan.
There are also #Cats4Biden, and I’m pawsitively sure they would not enjoy being grabbed.
But anyway, how did we get on this topic? I’m not sure, all I know is that I’m turning (older) in dog years this weekend, and it’s pawsible I’ll be enjoying a nice cab-franc on the patio soon, and searching for the comet later under some starry skies.
Cheers, everyone, make it a good Friday when your 5:00 rolls around, it’s the leashed you can do!
(please, fur-give me)