Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 08/16/21

With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks.  Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share that we may have missed.


How to trigger *fullish* Wing Nuts:

Remind all of them that TFG initiated this mess and now, he’s trying to scrub all the evidence of him creating this mess. There was no plan, just a bunch of lip service hoping that by getting out of Afghanistan, it would help TFG win re-election; it didn’t. Even the RNC has “removed a webpage from 2020 that praised Trump’s signing of ‘an historic peace agreement with the Taliban.'”

We don’t negotiate with terrorist and we especially do not invite them to the White House and on a very solemn day, September 11th, never forget. Seems all you “fullish” wing nuts did exactly that…forget.

What a RINO:

US troops try to manage Kabul airport turmoil; 7 dead as thousands rush to flee Taliban

One of Afghanistan’s first female mayors said Sunday she’s waiting for the Taliban to come and kill her as the Islamic militants reached the nation’s capital Kabul.

“I’m sitting here waiting for them to come. There is no one to help me or my family. I’m just sitting with them and my husband. And they will come for people like me and kill me,” Zarifa Ghafari told the British newspaper i. “I can’t leave my family. And anyway, where would I go?”

Washington Post publisher asks Biden administration to help evacuate journalists

The paper’s publisher emailed U.S. National Security advisor Jake Sullivan this morning on behalf of the Washington Post, New York Times and Wall Street Journal

A Watchdog Group Had Been Sounding The Warning About Afghanistan’s Meltdown For Years

President Biden/Biden Administration:

President Biden addressed the nation on Afghanistan. Here are a few highlights:



What ‘breakthrough’ COVID infections feel like

Amid viral resurgence, how vaccines helped protect five people’s lives

“If I hadn’t been vaccinated, who knows?” said Oakland’s Jodi Durst, a professional musician, sickened while traveling. She credits her Pfizer shots for her quick recovery. “There are those stories of healthy people who have had really horrible outcomes.”

Children hospitalized with COVID-19 in U.S. hits record number

The number of children hospitalized with COVID-19 in the United States hit a record high of just over 1,900 on Saturday, as hospitals across the South were stretched to capacity fighting outbreaks caused by the highly transmissible Delta variant.

Just one of many of TFG’s lies:

PolitiFact: Trump said children are ‘almost immune’ from coronavirus. That’s not accurate.

Florida County Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge hospitalized with severe COVID-19 symptoms:

Van Ostenbridge was among the county commissioners who championed the removal of all mandatory COVID-19 precautions in May after the COVID-19 vaccine became readily available. At the May meeting, Van Ostenbridge said he opposed government mandates.

He received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back in June

Nearly a third of U.S. workers under 40 considered changing careers during the pandemic

For some Americans, the pandemic has triggered a great reassessment of work and life. A Post-Schar School poll finds many are considering shifts in their careers and communities.


Pay attention, Californians: A two second tutorial on your sample ballot

Wing Nut Watch:


A New York man and supporter of the far-right Proud Boys group pleaded guilty in federal court Monday to making threats against Rev. Raphael Warnock.

Eduard Florea, 40, of Queens, admitted posting statements online threatening to kill Warnock, who had just won a run-off election for the U.S. Senate in Georgia. “Dead man can’t pass s— laws … I will fight so help me god,” he said in one message, according to prosecutors.

State News:

North Carolina trying to shed its reputation as destination for child weddings

Grown men visit North Carolina with their child brides to get legally married.

Other News:

A Black officer was a rising star. The department’s ‘Jim Crow culture’ destroyed his career, lawsuit says.

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    WTF, America?! What the actual F?!