Erik Prince Facing Indictment in Austria for Trafficking Arms to Libya 

Erik Prince, billionaire brother to billionaire Betsy Devos and the founder of the private military company Blackwater, has been indicted in Austria for trafficking arms to Libya in violation of the United Nations arms embargo.

A United Nations report issued in 2021 showed compelling evidence that Prince orchestrated a covert military operation in Africa, clandestinely supplying Libyan general and warlord Khalifa Haftar with expensive war equipment to support his fight against the government.

The indictment includes Prince and five others involved in the operation, as well as an application for fines against an Austrian company, Airborne Technologies, implicated in the case.

In addition, the whereabouts of Prince is unknown according to an Austrian court. Authorities are requesting the assistance of the U.S. for facilitating his appearance in the court, and potential extradition.

It remains to be seen whether Prince will voluntarily appear in the Austrian court or if extradition efforts will be pursued to ensure his presence and accountability.

Prince has previously registered addresses in Austria, raising questions about his motives and potential links to the region.