Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday 9-01-20

It’s September, people. Although this year has sucked ass more than any year thus far, it’s almost over. Normally, I would be excited about now because fall has always been my favorite season but, not MORE

Live Discussions

Trump holds a press briefing

Not to be undone by Joe Biden’s speech in Pennsylvania, Trump will hold a press briefing at 5:30 PM EDT/2:30 PM PDT. Join News Views for a Live Discussion on his spin, lies, and gaslighting MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 8-29-20

Huh, I just pulled up last week’s episode of Last Call and realized I screwed up the date and no one noticed??? You guys aren’t on your game; you usually notice every typo I make; MORE

2020 Elections

Fact checking Day One of the RNC

According to CNN: First off, CNN did fact check the DNC and concluded that more lies, distortions, false claims, and factually inaccurate information came out on Day One of the RNC than then entire four MORE