Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 41

Happy Friday for the 41st time this year! Wow, that’s astounding to think we have 11 weeks left of what’s turned out to be just another year of pandemic pandemonium. So much to look forward MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers, welcome back to another edition of Coffee Talk, where you can wake up with us regardless of your level of divine caffeination. Once again, you’ve entered a free chat zone, where it’s MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: October 12, 2021

Good morning, News Viewers and Happy Tuesday; we got through another Monday and that’s a good thing. I actually remembered to get today’s free chat thread scheduled and ready to post. I love naps but MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday News Viewers; welcome to Free Range, our Monday Free Chat with an environmental bent. This week is “Animals in the News” which happens to be a regular feature in The Atlantic (but I MORE

The Lounge

Coffee Talk

Good morning, and welcome to Coffee Talk, NewsViews’ newest “free chat” forum, where you’re encouraged to grab a mug of whatever might be your go-to wake-up beverage and join us for some chatting. This will MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: October 5, 2021

Good morning, News Viewers and Happy Tuesday. I’m running late, very late because I overslept. I should have done this last night and scheduled it to post early this morning but, my undefeated football team MORE

Last Call

Last Call: October 2, 2021

Happy October! Happy Autumn! Wait, not so fast….The calendar may say it’s October and autumn but the weather gods don’t necessarily agree. As with several weeks running, I will say it once again; I truly MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: September 28, 2021

Good morning—nothing like oversleeping. Now that it’s stays darker in the morning, I don’t have my natural alarm clock, the sun, to wake me up. Anyway, Happy Tuesday; enjoy your day and enjoy talking it MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday News Viewers and welcome to Free Range, our Monday Free Chat with an environmental bent; today I’m remembering the statement someone made that our planet should be called Ocean rather than Earth– 75% MORE